75 Hard or 75 Easy

The book 75 Hard by Andy Frisella was the motivation I needed to stop procrastinating, get off my ass, and take hold of my goals.

Jennifer Estes
3 min readSep 25, 2022
Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash

It’s only 5 daily tasks, and it’s only 75 days so who will you listen to I ask myself. I have spent most of my adult life listening to the bitch voice. According to Frisella, we all have dual voices. Good vs evil, the angel vs the devil, or as he puts it the Bitch vs the Boss. That really resonated with me, as a child, I had a strong boss voice. I wondered about all the people I was surrounded by who seemed to lack all self-control. I would lay very still, breathe slowly and deeply, focus my attention inward, and focus on my breath and heart rate. Slowing it to very minimal breaths per minute. I recall this as young as 8 years old. I had no idea really what I was doing, nobody showed me how to do this. As an adult, I wonder was it a past life carrying its habits on to this child?

As I got older I drifted away from mindfulness, allowing the procrastinator to take over. I am a very goal-oriented person but physical fitness goals have gone by the wayside over and over and over. Yet I still make goals to finally get fit. Why do I continue to set goals I will break? Maybe I should give up and embrace my curvy self. I can’t seem to stop the self-sabotage with fitness. I keep all…



Jennifer Estes

I am a widow, a mortician, a mom, and grandma. I write about grief, caregiving, substance use disorder, and the death care industry.